viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015

Hot Desking, la organización del trabajo de los próximos diez años?

                       A continuación transcribiremos una de las tantas notas existentes sobre el Hot desking, en la cual se hace hincapié sobre los beneficios que apareja esta modalidad de organización del trabajo empresarial acerca de la reducción de costos y fomento de la creatividad que produce.
                       Más allá si estamos de acuerdo o no con los conceptos del “hot desking”, la realidad de Latinaomérica es que las empresas necesitan mejorar la calidad de vida de sus recursos y disminuir costos para seguir siendo competitivos, pudiendo ser a una de las posibles variables a considerar.
                       Por supuesto, que entre las deficiencias que podemos encontrar se encuentran los problemas de focalización de los recursos que realizan sus labores desde su hogar y concurren a las oficinas de la empresa una o dos veces por semana, pero es quien lidere estos grupos de trabajo los que deberán marcar los objetivos y seguimiento de sus cumplimientos.
                       Para la empresa la reducción de costos que puede aparejar menos metros cuadrados destinados para el personal y gastos operativos, que redundará en beneficioso para derivar esos fondos en nuevas áreas de producción. Para el personal, el manejo de los tiempos le puede permitir desarrollar su creatividad tanto para la empresa como para emprendimientos personales.
                       El “hot-desking” empieza a tener cada vez mas fuerza entre las grandes empresas, por lo que es hora de que empiece a ser analizada por los PYMES para enfrentar los próximos diez años de manera competitiva.

Transcripción nota: 

Hot-desking saves SMEs money, boosts creativity

Hot-desking, a relatively new phenomenon in the SA workplace, is taking off in a massive way, particularly with regard to small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
This is according to Simon Campbell-Young, CEO of The Extension, who notes the trend is being driven by increasing availability of technology.
In today's mobile workforce, multitudes of employees working remotely, and remaining productive and effective, says Campbell-Young. All they need is a laptop and a WiFi connection.
The Ericsson ConsumerLab's recent report says more and more people around the world are choosing to work from multiple locations, requiring a greater need for technology-enabled flexibility.
Rather than commuting to single location offices, the workforce of the future prefers to conduct video conferencing from different locations, using mobile phones provided by their employer, it adds.
Campbell-Young points out hot-desking means instead of owning physical offices, small businesses can rent a limited number of communal stations. Employees do not need their own desks, but can use what is available as and when needed, he adds.
Lowered costs are the main reason why SMEs opt for hot-desking, says Campbell-Young. It allows SMEs to have ‘offices' in prime locations, for a fraction of the cost.
"Office space, particularly in desirable locations, is prohibitively costly, usually completely out of reach for small businesses and start-ups. By reducing the amount of space needed, hot-desking becomes an extremely cost-efficient method of running a business, with all the amenities in a great location."
Another benefit of hot-desking is it brings employees together – particularly in creative environments which involve a lot of brainstorming, bouncing around of ideas, and creative communication, says Campbell-Young.
Beatrice Jonah, marketing digital campaign strategist at ThoughtWorks, says hot-desking can be beneficial for SMEs in terms of reducing costs and allowing flexibility.
It allows for multiple individuals to be able to work in a smaller space, while also saving on the overheads of fixed office spaces, she notes.
Organisations that have a large majority of their employees working off-site; such as sales personnel or consultants, heavily benefit from this type of environment, she adds.
The real benefit of hot-desking is the impact it has on the culture of the business – organisations that adopt this concept often have cultures of collaboration to inspire innovation, says Jonah, adding this is often seen in many of today's technology companies.

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